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Initial Assessment

The purpose of an initial assessment is to guide the initial path of treatment. You should be able to quickly assess a patient, generally within a minute, by evaluating a few key clinical indicators. At that point you can make a SICK or NOT SICK classification.

+ Elaboration — SICK vs. NOT SICK

A SICK patient is one who can die quickly unless you initiate aggressive BLS and ALS treatment and rapid transport. This patient appears physiologically unstable as indicated by key clinical signs.

A NOT SICK patient is one who can be ill or injured, but not severely enough to be life threatening. This patient appears physiologically stable and does not need immediate ALS measures at this time. BLS treatment can still be required!

The SICK/NOT SICK choice is a very important medical decision. In some cases, it is a life-saving choice. You should be able to decide within the first minute of contact whether or not the patient is critically ill. You do this by forming a clinical picture. Once the decision is made, responder actions should proceed in a manner appropriate to the patient's condition.

The key clinical indicators you need to make an initial assessment include:

  • respirations (rate and character)
  • pulse (rate and character)
  • mental status
  • skin signs and color
  • body position

Your determination of SICK or NOT SICK will guide which initial treatment options you employ. For example, the SICK patient with moderate dyspnea would receive high flow oxygen and appropriate positioning. In addition, you would update the incoming ALS unit.

Make an initial assessment and start appropriate treatment.

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